Word of Encouragement

Could Any of You Use a Hug?

Written by TranzAct Editor | 7/23/21 7:19 PM

This week, my buddy Ken sent out an email that was titled “Beautiful things that didn’t make the news". It included several powerful photos along with a brief story explaining the significance of each one (see below). It affirmed that there are many good things happening–things that may never make it to the public.

At the end of this email though, there was a photo that did in fact make the news and ultimately became known as “The Rescuing Hug.” In 1995, Brielle and Kyrie Jackson were born 12 weeks premature, and the doctors were not sure they would survive. They were placed in separate incubators.

Kyrie was doing well, but Brielle’s health condition was rapidly deteriorating. 

So a nurse at the hospital got the parents’ consent, and they were placed in the same incubator. Brielle’s heart rate stabilized as Kyrie wrapped her arm around Brielle, and her temperature returned to normal. Today they are two grown beautiful woman.

Seeing this picture reminded me of a friend and mentor, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. Charlie was a great man of faith who was famous for giving people a great big hug. What made those hugs so special was that after he enveloped you in his arms, he would whisper powerful, affirming words in your ear.

In his famous little book, “Life Is Tremendous,” Charlie talked about the value and importance of a heartfelt hug. I smiled as I read those words in 1973, but when I actually experienced one of his famous hugs at a conference in 1999, it was transformative.

During the conversations I had as part of booking Charlie for a conference, I told him how much I valued his book. I also told him how he had inspired me with the faith and wisdom he had shared during presentations at other events. When we actually met before the conference, he enveloped me in his arms, gave me a great big hug, and started off his whispering by referring to me as “Marvelous Mike.” He then proceeded to whisper wonderful words of affirmation. The hug lasted maybe 20 to 30 seconds, but I still remember it over twenty years later.

For me, one of the best things about coming out of the COVID restrictions is that when I see good friends that I haven’t seen in some time, we can once again give each other a heartfelt hug. It is sooooo much better than that momentary fist bump.

Over the years, I have given several talks to a whole bunch of people. And in many of the “non-industry” related talks, I like to highlight the value and importance of affirming other people. With that thought in mind, I ask people to raise their hand if they have too much love and affirmation going on in their lives. I’ve asked this question to thousands of people, and I have yet to see anyone raise their hands.

Could it be that the reason no hands get raised is because we all could use a bit more love and affirmation in our lives? Look, I know that some of you reading this note may not be the hugging types, but I trust that within your sphere of family and friends there may be a person or two that could perhaps use a spiritual hug, a kind and affirming word, or a reminder that they are loved and appreciated.

Interestingly, after the photograph of Kyrie hugging her little sister appeared in both Life Magazine and Reader’s Digest, it led to more twins being co-bedded. The University of Massachusetts Memorial Hospital, for example, has co-bedded over a period of five years without a single case of twin-to-twin infection.

Maybe there is a lesson to be learned from the clinical studies that show the substantial benefits that premature twins get when they are placed in the same bed together. And maybe the hugs and kind words we can offer to others can also provide substantial benefits.

If that’s the case, and it’s never too soon to begin, maybe this weekend or next week, you can pick up the phone or send someone a text or email and do what Charlie would do: Let them know they matter to you and to God. After all, in the Book of Romans, we are reminded to be devoted to one another in love and honor one another above ourselves.


Beautiful things that didn't make the news