Word of Encouragement

Got Lemons...?

Written by TranzAct Editor | 9/11/20 7:00 PM

Guess what? Tomorrow, September 12, is National Encouragement Day!

So, when I was reminded that it would almost be “Un-American” if I didn’t send out a Note of Encouragement this week, my immediate response was: “Lord, may that never be!”

Growing up, I wore a leg brace for almost five years. I was diagnosed with Legg-Perthes which affected my hip. Truth be told, I was not a happy camper because I wanted to be able to run, jump and play like all my other friends. But fortunately, my parents didn’t obsess about whether I was “happy.” Instead they fostered a “when you get lemons, make lemonade” attitude. Little did I know back then how indispensable that “lemon to lemonade” philosophy would be.

Can I be transparent with you?

Based on the responses I have received to these weekly Words of Encouragement, my interactions with lots of people, and the seemingly endless stream of reports from the media, it’s apparent that the COVID-19 crisis has poured plane loads, boat loads, car loads, and of course, truckloads (as logistics experts, we cover all modes) of lemons all over the place.

I don’t think it would be too much of a stretch that at least one or two people (or more) who have read these Weekly Words of Encouragement have been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. If not you personally, then perhaps you know someone who is “struggling” and dealing with plenty of lemons.

I’ve had lots of experience making lemonade, and I’ve been privileged to have several friends who are also pretty good at making lemonade. One of the things we’ve all agreed on is the wisdom encapsulated in Churchill’s famous quote, “If you’re going through h**l, keep going!” In short, there are going to be times when things are really “uncomfortable” and you just have to tie a knot at the end of the rope, and hang on to until the cavalry rides to the rescue.

In this week’s Words of Encouragement, we’re “sending the cavalry” to you in the form of a video from one of my LinkedIn contacts, Kimberly Dorr. It’s like a giant pitcher of lemonade because the video highlights what “determination, grit, focus, hard work, blood, sweat and tears looks like.” Specifically, it was a video of her son Kaleb taking his first unassisted steps on August 31, 2020, after enduring 2 major leg surgeries and one minor leg surgery in June/July, 2020. She concluded her note by saying “Giving up has never been an option for him and he inspires us everyday. #WhatIsYourExcuse #LiveEverydayToTheFullest

Truthfully, this video brought tears to my eyes because it reminded me of the role my mom and dad played in helping me make lemonade. They frequently reminded me that my leg brace didn’t have to be an obstacle and that persistence pays off. Perhaps you, some of your family members or your friends can use some lemonade. If so, then remember, since tomorrow is National Encouragement Day, you can pass this video along and remind them that you’re in their choir and cheering them on.  

And as you celebrate National Encouragement Day, perhaps these words from Corinthians will boost your spirits: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”