Word of Encouragement

“There will be other worlds to sing in.”

Written by Mike Regan | 1/21/22 9:05 PM

We have been sending out these Words of Encouragement for almost two years. But this Note may be the easiest, yet most challenging I have authored.

The easy part is because on Monday, one of my buddies sent me a note, “The Black Telephone.” It’s a beautiful story about a young boy, Wayne, growing up in a small town in the State of Washington who shared what happened when his family became one of the first ones in his neighborhood to get a telephone.

This young child was fascinated that somewhere inside this wonderful machine was an amazing person whose name was “Information Please.” She provided the obvious stuff like providing a person’s phone number and the correct time, but as it turns out, Information Please could also dispense information that proved to be invaluable when Wayne needed to get a hold of her.

This relationship started when he was home alone and accidentally hit his finger with a hammer. With no one to turn to, he called Information Please and crying, explained what had happened. Information Please turned out to be a “genie-in-a-bottle” and instructed him to put ice on the finger.

After that experience, Wayne learned that Information Please could also help with his homework and even dispense practical advice about what food would be good for the chipmunk the little boy had caught in the park.

But when Wayne’s pet canary Petey died and he shared what had happened with Information Please, he wasn’t satisfied with her answer. So he asked Information Please, "Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?" Information Please said quietly: "Wayne, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in."

That’s the “easy” part of this particular note. The challenging part is that on Monday night, hours after receiving the Black Telephone story, I was left stunned when a friend informed me that another dear friend, Gordon Murphy, passed away after having a massive stroke.

Gordon was a unique man who had great faith, an uncanny ability to speak the truth and a wonderful wit that often caused me to laugh and smile. I always looked forward to meeting Gordon for our early morning meetings when he would call and tell me he was “bringing a bagel so get the coffee warmed up.”

Gordon helped many people through his involvement in various local and international ministries. He was also a gifted leader who drew out the best in people. Like his counterpart, Information Please, he was kind, affirming and looked for the best in people.

Since Gordon looked physically fit, his sudden departure reminded me about the brevity of life. As I learned several years ago: Our lives are one phone call, email, or trip to the doctor’s office away from being involuntarily rearranged. That is why one of my mentors frequently reminds me: “Keep your I love you’s up to date.”

In the the Black Telephone story, even though Wayne’s family moved to Boston, he never forgot Information Please, whose real name was Sally. When Wayne went off to college and decided to try and reconnect with Sally, on a whim, he dialed the hometown operator from the town of his youth. He was overjoyed when he heard that familiar voice: "Information."

When Wayne asked: "Could you please tell me how to spell fix?" She responded softly, "I guess your finger must have healed by now." And then Wayne and Sally affirmed how much they had meant to each other. As Sally noted, “I never had any children and I used to look forward to your calls."

Three months later, when he called for Sally, a different voice asked “Is your name Wayne?" It turns out Sally left a note for in case Wayne called. It read: "Tell him there are other worlds to sing in. He'll know what I mean."

At the end of the Telephone story we are reminded: “Never underestimate the impression you may make on others.” And then it asks: “Whose life have you touched today?” Gordon touched a lot of lives as he lived out the words written in Proverbs: “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing.”

And that is why Gordon’s friends all know what he is doing right now: Singing in Heaven! Miraculously, his voice will sound great! So Gordon, save a bagel for me.