Word of Encouragement

Treasure Each Day

Written by Mike Regan | 4/22/22 7:33 PM

Folks, this week has been a bit of a challenge. I attended a wake this week for a former next door neighbor and learned that some of my friends are having significant health challenges. In reflecting on these things, I was reminded of some advice from a mentor: Treasure each day!

In that spirit, I’d like to share an excerpt from a story that was recently sent to me by one of our readers.

Don’t wait for weekends. Don't wait for summers. Don't wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead. Just do your best to appreciate where you are. You've come a long way, and you're still growing. Be thankful for the lessons and present opportunities. Take them and make the most of things...

Of course, I know that's sometimes easier said than done, so let me share this powerful true story with you:

“A 10-year-old patient of mine will be undergoing her 14th surgery in three years’ time to combat a rare and aggressive type of cancer. Even after all the medical procedures and surgeries, I’ve never seen her frown—I’ve never seen her skip a beat. Although the odds continue to work against her, I’m certain her attitude, acceptance and presence are the principal reasons she has lived so well to this point. She’s still positively engaged in living her life to the fullest. She laughs and plays with her friends and family. She has realistic, intelligent goals for the summer that she’s already working on. A kid like her who can go through everything she’s been through and wake up every day with enthusiasm for the life she’s living...”

My conversations with this incredible little girl have opened my awareness to all the self-destructive fantasies I have in my head. I have it so good—I am incredibly fortunate to be alive and healthy, for example—and yet I sit at home most nights thinking the opposite… I fantasize about how life ‘should’ be different than it is—how everything should be better, easier, more enjoyable and so forth.

Over the past couple of years, I have shared numerous stories about people who’ve inspired me by their desire and ability to overcome extraordinary challenges. I am very thankful to have friends who have inspired me as they have successfully met big challenges head on.

For me, with the passage of time, there have been numerous “why me” moments. For example, months after buying my partner out of TranzAct in 1989, I went to visit my father who was an entrepreneur that had built and sold a successful company.

I was expecting a sympathetic ear as I shared with him my “burdens” in building TranzAct. But after hearing me out, he informed me that he wouldn’t be attending my “pity party.” Instead he told me to treasure and be thankful for what I would be learning on this journey to building a great company. Overall, he believed that it was important to play the cards you were dealt.

To this day, when I have those “why me” moments, it helps to remember friends or people like the aforementioned ten-year-old patient who have modeled true grit and courage in facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. I am also thankful for friends – friends too numerous to mention – who I can call and basically say: “What the heck is happening to me?” Fortunately, these friends, like my dad, will listen and refuse to join the pity party.

Given the size of this audience, perhaps a couple of you who are reading this note are experiencing those “why me” moments. Perhaps that person is you. If so, can I offer some encouraging words from my friends when I have talked to them about my "why me” moments: “God, is still sovereign, He is still in control, and lucky for you, He still loves you!”

When I hear those words, it helps me slow down my internal “tachometer,” get the stress back down under control, and recall a wonderful saying: “Yesterday is the past. Tomorrow is the future. That is why Today is called a Present (a.k.a. a Gift)!”

In the Gospel of Matthew, we are reminded: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.” With that thought in mind, may we appreciate all of our beautiful and bountiful blessings and remember to treasure a day that will never come again.