Everybody Wants Transportation Savings, But Do You Have the Tools to Get the Job Done?

Jul 14, 2016



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After hearing me talk about wanting to lose weight for the umpteenth time, a good friend, who is also a doctor, said: "Mike, it's easy. Eat less and exercise more! And remember, nothing will change until you change."

I bring this up because getting transportation savings - just like losing weight - is something that a lot of people and companies want to do. But practically speaking, when the rubber meets the road, not everyone is willing to change or invest the time and resources to get the job done. However, since a lot of your CEOs, Presidents, CFOs and COOs are scrutinizing their expenses more closely than ever, why not spend the time right now to develop your game plan for realizing transportation savings. 

If you are ready to get in the transportation savings game, start by analyzing the data, defining the questions your company needs to answer, and determining whose support within the organization you'll need to make the kind of changes you need to make.

Since having good and accurate data is so important, make sure that you have a great freight audit and payment process in place; if it’s not producing what you need, you’ll need to make changes. The other item that can make a big difference is an outstanding reporting tool that will enable you to effectively analyze your data. If your current reporting tools don't quite measure up, then check out our new Telescope reporting product--it’s a user-friendly package that's rich on analytics.


If you’re interested in learning more about Telescope, we can send you an overview of this tool, show you a demo or simply tell you more about it. To learn more about this or other ways of analyzing your data and reducing costs, give us a call at 630-833-0890 or send us an email

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