As Chairman of NASSTRAC's Advocacy Committee, I know how important it is for shippers to be in front of our legislative representatives, making sure they understand the transportation issues they will soon vote on. That's why we were delighted to be part of NASSTRAC's recent Fly-In.
Gail Rutkowski and her team put together a first class educational program including Bob Costello from the American Trucking Association (ATA), who shared that if we do have a recession over the next 12-18 months, it will probably be mild. However, this economic shift could cause thousands of trucking companies on the fringes to go out of business, having a major impact on shippers.
Another item highlighted was the need to fix our infrastructure, as shown by a SanMar representative who shared how in Seattle congestion is slowing pickups at the port, as well as how shippers are facing delays in other areas of the country that are putting a strain on capacity. Although capacity constraints have eased for the time being, it's almost guaranteed that they'll return at some point, and infrastructure can impact how soon that takes place. One other important point was the ongoing discussion regarding Twin 33s.
Legal issues were also covered as well as what’s happening with tariffs. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to listen to an interview with tariff expert Carolyn Gleason where she explains some of the basic considerations to have on your radar.
We provide all of this because we’re on your team, here to help and passionate about seeing you be successful. If you have any questions about legislative concerns or anything else, please give us a call at 630-833-0890 or send us an email.