In his book Brave New World, Aldous Huxley foretold things that would profoundly change society. One of those "things" was technology. Today, one of the biggest supply chain conferences in the world—ProMat—is wrapping up in Chicago. Having walked the floors of ProMat, I couldn't help but think: "It's one thing to talk about change; it's another thing to see change in action."
On the tech side, when you see firsthand how the advancements in robotics, drones and the use of artificial intelligence will impact your supply chains, it begs the question: Are companies prepared to make the kinds of changes they will need to make in order to be competitive and relevant in the future?
That is why we were so intrigued by the theme of this year's conference: "Solving for X." In this week's Two Minute Warning, we're addressing this question: Practically speaking, when it comes to managing your transportation, logistics, and supply chain areas, what does "X" look like for your company?
Given the speed at which change is occurring, smart companies are evaluating their logistics and supply chain strategies to make sure that they can remain competitive in the future. That is why our Rapid Assessment Process can be a tremendous tool. In this process, we start by looking at the current state of a shipper's supply chain, and then we provide a road map to that highlights how they can achieve their preferred future state. It is a great strategic way to embrace change, plan for the future and enhance your transportation and logistics areas.
We’re on your team, we’re here to help and we’re passionate about seeing you have a successful future. Feel free to give us a call or send us an email if you have any questions.