This year I have met hundreds of executives who have told me that the Perfect Storm has really walloped their freight budgets. Many of these executives then tell me that in 2019, they want to see their company do a much better job of managing their freight costs.
Whenever I hear a statement like that, it begs the following question: How or what will your company do to achieve that objective a.k.a. actually reduce your freight costs? In other words, give me the specifics on how your company plans to manage and even reduce its freight costs. In response, far too often, I get a blank stare or they will tell me that “we haven’t figured that out.”
That’s when I have to remind them: Having great intentions isn’t going to get the job done. You need a plan with measurable KPIs in order to accomplish that objective. And that folks is why we are so excited about the upcoming webinar that we will be hosting with our friends from CSCMP and NASSTRAC on December 5 at 11 am CST.
We know your schedules are packed, but if you’re serious about reducing your transportation costs, this is the webinar for you! Our resources will be focused on sharing practical things that shippers can do to manage and reduce costs in this turbulent transportation environment.
You’re going to get some practical insights on things you can do to improve your company’s profitability. For instance, here are a few of the things the panelists will share:
If you're not available on December 5, we encourage you to still sign up and we'll make sure you get a copy of the recording. We provide all of this because we're on your team, here to help and passionate about seeing you be successful.