The 2:00 Minute Warning with Mike Regan

Understanding OTIF and How to Use it: Hint, it's Not a Penalty Program

Written by TranzAct Editor | Mar 20, 2019

When shippers hear about On Time-In Full (OTIF) or Must Arrive By Date (MABD) programs, they may think: "That only applies to the Retail/Grocery Products Industry." WRONG!

OTIF and MABD are really just other names for supplier management programs. While the retail and grocery products industries may be at the forefront of implementing these programs, make no mistake about it, OTIF and MABD programs are coming to Main Street! Over the next two-to-three years, every shipper should expect to see industries and companies they deal with adopt these programs.

If you want to know why we are so confident about this, check out this week's Two Minute Warning. We are featuring an interview with Tracy Rosser and Brian Boudreaux, who prior to their recent retirement were the Senior Vice Presidents of Walmart's Domestic Transportation and Distribution Centers.

Here are a few snippets of this great interview:

1 - What OTIF is Really All About
2 - The OTIF Penatly Myth
3 - Getting Started with OTIF as a Shipper

As you can see from these brief samples, Tracy and Brian do a great job of explaining what OTIF is all about, its economic benefits, and why it is a vitally important tool to eliminate waste in your supply chain so that you can outpace your competition just as Walmart uses it to compete with the Amazons of the world.

So if you want to gain an an in-depth explanation of why this is so important to Walmart, how they're handling this program, and gain some practical tips on how your company can start your own OTIF program or improve the one you have in place, then make sure and listen to the entire interview.

After you listen, another resource you might find valuable for managing your supply chain is our Transportation Spend Management eBook.

We provide all of these resources because we're on your team, here to help, and passionate about seeing you be successful. And if you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at or give us a call at 630.833.0890.