House T&I Committee to Take up WRRDA Bill This Week and What this Means for You
The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is set to mark-up the Water Resources Reform and Development Act, H.R. 3080. If passed, it will move to the House Floor for consideration by the full House of Representatives. Earlier this year, the Senate overwhelmingly passed their version of this legislation in a vote of 83-14.
Much ink has been used to write about and describe the polarization evident in Washington over the last few years. What is notable about this legislation is that it was introduced by the Chairman of the full Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Rep. Bill Shuster (R-9th/PA), Ranking Member Nick Rahall (D-3rd/WV) and Water Resources Subcommittee Chairman Bob Gibbs (R-7th/OH) and Ranking Member Tim Bishop (D-1st/NY).
Because it is supported by leadership in both parties it will likely pass through Committee this week and the full House of Representatives early next month. With MAP-21 set to expire on October 1, 2014, a new reauthorization or extension will need to be passed. The fact that Republicans and Democrats are able to work together on this legislation is consequential in that it appears more likely they will be able to move a reauthorization next year. Many questions remain to be sure, but this is a positive development.
What this means for you is that we could see the first long term transportation reauthorization since SAFETEA-LU passed in 2005. TIA will continue to follow this closely in an effort to press for inclusion of our legislative priorities. Stay tuned!