Industry Insights

What blew your freight budget-the people or the process?

By Mike Regan, Co-Founder Initially Published in Logistics Management on August 20, 2018

August 23, 2018

State of Women in Logistics, Summer 2018

BY JEAN REGAN Since the role of women in logistics and the world is always changing, we’re providing an update on some of the new events or trends we’ve seen lately.

July 26, 2018

Note to CEOs (Part 3): Committed to reducing your rising freight costs? You must be kidding!

The increased focus on freight is putting pressure on transportation and logistics executives who are responsible for managing their company’s freight budget. By Mike Regan, Co-Founder Initially Published in Logistics Management on July 12, 2018

July 16, 2018

Note to CEOs (Part 2): Your Logistics People Can't Do It Alone. They Need Your Support!

CEOs are asking a lot of questions, and some of them are wondering, “Do we have the right people running their transportation and logistics areas?”

June 5, 2018

Heads up! Freight Could Be Delayed During June 5 - 7

It’s that time of year again. For 72 consecutive hours starting June 5, commercial motor vehicles will be inspected throughout North America as part of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance's (CVSA) International Roadcheck. This year’s focus is hours of service compliance. We’re giving you this heads up since you may see shipment delays or find it more difficult to book transportation during this window. Read more about it here > And if you’re interested in other resources for managing your transportation, we encourage you to check out our Transportation Storm Center. Visit the Transportation Storm Center >

June 1, 2018

Note to CEOs: Transportation and Supply Chain Issues are Demanding a Place at the Table

When CEOs from large companies like John Deere, Tyson Foods, and General Mills publicly state that their financial performance has been hurt by increased transportation costs, it gets people’s attention.

May 14, 2018

Who to Watch in the Autonomous Vehicle Race

BY JEAN REGAN, PRESIDENT & CEO It’s been fascinating to see the advances being made in self-driving vehicles—there’s almost a new story every day. And as both a logistics and technology company, we’re watching closely to see how these vehicles will develop and impact our industry. Here are a few of the major players in the race to gain market share and where they’re at:

May 9, 2018

Why is there a truck driver shortage in America?


April 24, 2018

Here’s The Problem: Your Procurement Driven Transportation Sourcing Process Stinks!

There are plenty of companies using a flawed process in conducting their transportation sourcing events. Why? Because they are transactionally focused when they should be taking a strategic approach. By Mike Regan, Co-Founder Initially Published in Logistics Management on March 26, 2018

April 2, 2018