First, a question to consider. How much room is there for improvement in your company's supply chain and logistics management?
June 16, 2022
Photo credit: DW labs Incorporated - Adobe Stock TranzAct Technologies is honored to be one of only seven providers named a FedEx Certified Freight Bill, Audit, and Pay (FBAP) Provider. Our certification is in the “Parcel and Freight (LTL)” Certification Category and FedEx also offered a “Parcel Only” Certification Category.
May 23, 2022
The supply chain keeps getting more challenging to navigate. In the past few years, logistics professionals have dealt with a significant escalation in rates, delays from packed ports, and labor shortages across the industry, amongst other issues.
May 16, 2022
2021 has exposed a sobering fact: several companies have taken their supply chains for granted. Truth be told, they have mediocre supply chains that are causing operational and/or financial challenges. By Mike Regan · As published in Logistics Management
January 5, 2022
While the logistics industry has never been entirely predictable, the past two years have been perhaps the most difficult when it comes to planning for what’s ahead.
January 3, 2022
The escalating volumes and rates in the ocean market have created both the need and the opportunity to learn more about this mode.
November 30, 2021
Record after record has been broken for the number of ships at the Port of Los Angeles this year. The newest record of 103 ships at terminals or offshore made headlines recently, and may soon be broken as ships continue to pour into the ports to deliver goods for the holiday season.
October 26, 2021
Over the past couple of months, I have given several presentations to C-Level executives that underscore a message from my recent blog, “Get Serious or Get Seriously Hurt”. CEOs cannot delegate the task of building great supply chains for their companies. They absolutely must be involved in the decisions about where to invest their resources and in what amounts.
August 19, 2021
TranzAct helps shippers like you reduce their transportation spend while providing the tools necessary to make better business decisions on an ongoing basis.
Our solutions provide shippers of all modes with freight audit and payment, reporting and TMS applications, rate negotiation and savings, contract development, consulting and analysis.
We're on Your Team & We're Here to Help
360 W. Butterfield Road
Suite 400
Elmhurst, IL 60126
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